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All things work for Good!


An artist went to visit a dear friend. When he arrived, she was weeping. He asked why she was crying. She showed him a handkerchief of exquisite beauty that had great sentimental value, and which had been ruined by a drop of indelible ink.

The artist asked her to let him have the handkerchief which he returned to her by mail several days later. When she opened the package she could hardly believe her eyes. The artist, using the inkblot as a base, had drawn on the handkerchief a design of great beauty with ink. Now it was more beautiful and valuable than ever.

Young friend, many of you would have got good marks in the recent exams, if you did not, don’t get disappointed or depressed. Seek the Lord more. Our God is an awesome Creator. He will cause success and victory to follow you. He will surely turn your sorrow into joy because He loves you.

“All things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28).

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