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Kareena Kapoor declines invite by British P.M.!

Kareena Kapoor’s global popularity is proved by the fact that she was recently invited by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for a special function at 10, Downing Street

She was also to be honored as an international ambassador and join the Silver Star charity that helps in spreading awareness about diabetes.

But Kareena who is busy shooting for Kambhakt Ishq with Akshay Kumar in Mumbai had to refuse the invite due to her hectic schedule.

Leading members from the political, business, arts and culture, and sports fields were present at the occasion.

Kareena Kapoor’s spokesperson was quoted by Bombay Times saying, “She was looking forward to attending this prestigious event, but had to opt out. However, Kareena intends joining the Silver Star charity and working closely with them soon.”

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