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Book domains in Indian and other international languages!

It is now possible to book domain names in international languages. It means now, you can now book ????.com or ?????.com

They are called as IDN (International domain names)

What is IDN?

Internet users are increasing rapidly and it’s not necessary that all of them know English. So, IDN provides them with a facility to write domain names in their language. So, if you want to access you can write the same in your language. IDN is changing Internet into powerful International tool.

How IDN encoding is done?

For example, if you book ??????.com then .com remains unchanged since it is ASCII format. However, ?????? which is written in UNICODE so, it is essential to add xn-- as a prefix followed by it’s Unicode translation.

For Example :

To convert your language code into acceptable translation Click here

Advantages of IDN

  1. Access domain in your language.
  2. Email can also be made in particular language.
  3. You can promote your language on Internet.

To know more and further details : Wikipedia

P.S. I have mentioned domain names in Hindi language because I don’t know any other unicode language. Please not that It is possible to have any international language in place of that.

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