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Speed Up The Launch Of Windows XP!

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BootVis - utility to speed up the launch of Windows XP

Year: 2001
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: PC
Compatibility with Vista: No
Language: English only
Tabletka: Not required

BootVis - utility to speed up the launch of Windows XP
Many probably faced with a situation where your operating system with time everything starts to boot longer and longer. Already there long enough utility of all beloved by Microsoft, which is helping to deal with this problem.
Microsoft developers still in the distant year 2001 invented a utility that helps solve this problem, and make Windows XP faster downloading. Since that time, they have some reason it did not improve. Perhaps what the program copes well with its functions. Process optimization starts simply enough: Trace -> Optimize system. In doing so, the utility asked to restart your computer and reboot during this record, which file driver or service is run and in what order of priority. After that puts all the files on the disk optimal from the point of view of a utility fashion.
Loading speed system actually increases, sometimes to the times. Particularly relevant in this tool after installing updates or driver updates.

Dop. Information:
Plants do not require!
You can run directly from the archives of utility-RAR!
All have already exhibited automaton ... and starts a Trace -> Optimize system!
Comp rebooted, but not hurry to do something! Wait for confirmation and the preservation of change!
Size: 1 MB

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