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Mega-Cities ScreenSaver!

Portraits of MegaCities on your screensaver Houses on houses, and no end in sight - this is the appearance of mega-cities. Huge crowds of more than 3 million live in a confined space. And where there is a lack of space, as the amount must be built. So skyscrapers are a typical feature of megacities rooms. The most well-known example of this is New York. Even without the twin towers is the skyline is a popular and widespread image.

Many other cities get in this comprehensive slide show:

The 18 million-city Shanghai, for example, you can immediately at the Oriental Pearl Tower. And what city is because directly on the border with the desert?

Discover these and other mega-cities of the world!


Left Click...........
http://*****.com/files/102694070/Mega-Cities_ScreenSaver_1.0.rar (Promotional Purpose)

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