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How to remove scratches from a CD/DVDs!

Tip on how to remove scratches from a CD/DVD

Renew your scratched up music or game CD's using toothpaste!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you are using a toothPASTE and not a gel. Gel-type toothpastes will not work. Also make sure it isn't the type that has little bits of anything in it. Many manufacturers now like putting "breath crystals" or other little speckles of junk in their toothpastes that will defeat the purpose of this process. Just make sure the toothpaste is white, and has no specks of stuff in it, and it should work fine.

Why does this work? because toothpaste is an abrasive. When you smear it on the disc, it buffers the scratches out and resurfaces the entire CD along with all the scratches and blends it all in making the disc smooth. Therefore, the CD will look unscratched and the disc wont skip.

WARNING: In some rare cases, this method can worsen the condition of the CD. It barely happens but be aware that its possible.

But Trying is not Harmful at once
I have tried on 3 DVD,And It worked amazingly well!

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