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How To Get Ip's [Internet Protocols]

Ways to get a users ip address.


1: Intro
2: Tools you need.
3: Using x net vision.
4: define type of ports.
5: Grab the ip.
6: Scanning the ip.
7: Ways of using the ip.
8: What if the ips proxyed.
9: How to proxy your ip.
10: Why proxy your ip.
11: Whats the purpose of proxying a ip.


1: Intro
This text will tell you alot about ips and how to get them also tells
you how to stop a user from obtaining your ip address this text i take
no responcablity in what you do with it or how you use my knowledge
most of what i will say in this text will tell you how a user gets your
ip address then it will teach you how to shield your self so that a
user off the net cant get your ip address many ways to get a ip and
there is a few ways to stop that from taking place i will just be
giving out one way of stoping that the other way is changing your ip
address but no i will not teach that cause that is illegal what is said
in this text some things are illegal some are not i strongly suggest
that you read it and learn from it but dont use the info in a bad way.
One thing i always say and stand by is dont use knowledge from the bad
of man kind use it for the greater good.


2: Tools you need.
There are a few tools you will need to obtain a ip address i will tell
you them and what they all do .
X net vision.
Now i tell you what all those programs do.
x-net-vision = its a program that gets the ips ports and host names of
any ip thats connected to your ip.
netstat = is also a program that does the same thing as x net vision
but this only gets the ips that are directly connected to your ip.
whois = this is a program that tells you the ips isp and tells the
address of the isp now for those that dont know here is what ip and isp
ip stands for internet protocol
isp stands for internet service provider the one that provides you with
your internet.
ms dos = this is command prompt some people likes it better some do
its good for many things some commands are ping netstat -n netstat -a
netstat those are ones we will be looking at.
Actly all these can be found on my site


3: Using x net vision.
Ok first off this part will tell you how to use x net vision and
netstat viewer.
Load x net vision up and click refresh you will see in the list view
all ips and ports and host names that are connected to you right now.
Double clicking any of those ips will bring up a box that you can copy
the ip host name.
With netstat viewer it will show you the ips directly connected to you
right now double click those does the same.
Now whois open that type in the ip and click look up that will show you
the info on the ip address.


4: Defind type of ports.

This part of the text will defind a few ports that you might see.

now those are ports that you will see.
5050 is the standard port for connecting to yahoo's server.
5001 and 5000 are voice ports for voice servers if your on voice you will see these ports on the ip.
5101 is the standard port for sending and recieving pms.
80 is the standard port for website browsing or getting a file from yahoo send file.
8001 8002 these are ports for loging into yahoo in website using proxys.
8080 is also for website browsing

5: Grabb the ip.
Now that you have read all that lets grab a ip usig x net vision.
your first step is to figure out how your going to direct connect to
this user i will tell you a bit about this.
the things that you can get a ip from are.
webcam viewing or showing.
send a file
add as a friend and send them a pm
add as a friend and voice chat with them.
Now lets talk about these really fast.
If you plan on sending them a file or having them send you a file then
you dont need them added to get there ip.
if you plan on letting them see your cam or you see there cam you can
get there ip and dont need them added to do so.
now if you plan on using voice or pm to get the ip they must be added
to your buddy list first.
Now determon how your going to get there ip and i will tell you the
methods are how you do doing all 5 of them.
Letting them view your cam.
Open x net vision first click refresh make sure no pms are open just
the dudes pm that you wanna get the ip for.
when they get on your cam just refresh on x net vision you should see a
new ip on there double click that new ip and that will be theres
viewing there cam.
Open x net vision make sure all pms are closed all chats are closed
just his or her pm open click refresh.
click the accept cam invite and wait untill you see her or him then
click refresh again double click the new ip thats his or her ip.
Send a file.
This is the easyst one to do honestly.
first off if you are sending the file what you need to do is get x net
vision up click refresh
after that send the file keep clickin refresh each 6 seconds you will
see a ip and port 80 when you do thats there ip address double click it
and copy.
when recieving a file do the same method open x net vision refresh then
download the file and keep clicking refresh when you see port 80 double
click it thats the ip.
Send Pm
This is the hardst one to do.
First off the id must be added to your buddy list before you can get
the ip off a pm.
after he or she is added what you do is open x net vision click refresh
double click her or his id off your buddy list and send a pm when he or
she replys back you will get a ip on port 5101 thats there ip address.
now voice is hard also.
you have to do the same thing as send pm.
then enable voice when x net vision gets port 5001 or 5000 thats there
ip address this method can not work in chat.

6: Scanning the ip.
Now this isnt required so i will tell a little about this.
Get a scanner that scans a ip for open ports.
and scan it the open ports is kinda like access to there pc and most of
the ports that are open on a pc can be used for getting into there pc
but thats all i tell about this.


7: Ways of using the ip.
Now after you get there ip there are a few things you can do with this.
1: take the ip offline.
2: hack it.
3: see how fast it is.
4: flooding it.
now i dont support info on hacking or flooding a ip so i will tell you
how to take a ip offline and how to see if the ips fast the other two
is on you to learn and if you want to learn from me that will cost you
Now to take a ip offline is pretty easy to do.
i use the ping method a pod attact ping of death
comand.... ping -l 6550 -n 200 ip
used in ms dos i wont tell you how to use this but thats all i will say
about this.
Now to test a ip and see how fast it is
use ms dos command ping
do this ping ip ping website
in msdos.


8: What if the ips proxyed.
Now some people has there ip proxyed this makes it hard to get a ip
because when you try to grab the ip all you get is a proxy.
what does ip proxy means it means that you make your ip a proxy meaning
the proxy ip becomes your ip address it dont change your ip just makes
it so when you directly connect to someone the proxy holds the place of
your true ip so they get a proxy and not a ip.


9: How to proxy your ip.

There are many ways of doing this.
My way is a program i made that uses a list of proxys and changes my ip to that proxy.
another way is using a annous program that makes you stay annous over the net.

10: Why proxy your ip.
the reason to proxy your ip is so that no one can get your real ip if
your ip is proxyed then when they send a file or you view them or they
view you or you add them and pm them any direct connectiong with you
and them all they get is a proxy ip thats it no ip at all and if they
do a whois on that proxy all they see is a website.


11: Whats the purpose of proxying a ip.

the purpose is to make it hard to obtain your ip address so you dont get hacked or any thing.

Thanks And Regards;

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