Smilies you have never used before!
Posted On Friday, May 30, 2008 at at 9:24 PM by PatAlien_125 [:-alien] | Angel_125 [:-angel] | |
Angel14 [angel14] | Angry [:(!] | Animal27 [animal27] |
Animal37 [animal37] | Apple_125 [:-apple] | Approve [^] |
Ashamed_125 [:-ashamed | Banghead_125 [:-banghea | Baseball_125 [:-basebal |
Basketball_125 [:-basketb | Batman_125 [:-batman] | Big Devil [dev2] |
Big Smile [:D] | Bigeyes_125 [:-bigeyes | Bigeyes2_125 [:-bigeyes |
Bigmouth_125 [:-bigmout | Birds [:-birds] | Black Eye [B)] |
Blindfold_125 [:-blindfo | Blush [:I] | Blushing [:blush] |
Boggled_125 [:-boggled | Bonk [:-bonk] | Book [:-book] |
Boring_125 [:-boring] | Bounce [:-bonc01] | Bouncy_125 [:-bouncy] |
Bow [:-bow] | Brokenheart_ 125 [:-brokenh | Bulb_125 [:-bulb] |
Bunny_125 [:-bunny] | Calender [:-calndr] | Captain_125 [:-captain |
Censored_125 [:-censore | Cheer [:-cheer] | Cheers! [:-beer] |
Chef_125 [:-chef] | Clap [:-clap] | Clock_125 [:-clock] |
Cloud9 [cloud9] | clover_125 [:-clover] | Clown [:o)] |
clown_125 [:-clown] | Coffee [:coffee] | Cold_125 [:-cold] |
Colors [colors] | Cool [8D] | Cowboy_125 [:-cowboy] |
Crazy_125 [:-crazy] | Crazy_woman [-crzwom] | Cry_125 [:-cry] |
Cyclops_125 [:-cyclops | Dancing Monkey [mnky] | Darn! [:-darn] |
Dazed [:dazed] | Dead [xx(] | Devil_125 [:-devil] |
Disapprove [V] | Disguise_125 [:-disguis | Dog_125 [:-dog] |
Doggy_125 [:-doggy] | Dopey_125 [:-dopey] | Drool_125 [:-drool] |
Drunk_125 [:-drunk] | Dunce_125 [:-dunce] | Dunno [:-dunno] |
Durr... [:-durr] | Eight Ball [8] | Evil [}:)] |
Eyebrows_125 [:-eyebrow | Fight_125 [:-fight] | Flowers [:-flwrs] |
Football [fball] | Football_125 [:-footbal | Freak [:-freak] |
Ghost_125 [:-ghost] | Ghost12 [ghost12] | Ghost4 [ghost4] |
Glasses_125 [:-glasses | Gnasher_125 [:-gnasher | Goldfish_125 [:-goldfis |
Golf_125 [:-golf] | Goofy [:-goofy] | Graduate_125 [:-graduat |
Group_Hug [:-group] | Grumpy_125 [:-grumpy] | Happy_Spin [:-hspin] |
Headache_125 [:-headach | Headphones_125 [:-headpho | Hearts_125 [:-hearts] |
Hockey_125 [:-hockey] | Hot_125 [:-hot] | Hug [hug] |
Hummer [:-hbird] | Hypnotized_125 [:-hypnoti | Idea_125 [:-idea] |
Idea1 [:-idea1] | Idea2 [:-idea2] | Idea3 [:-idea3] |
Indifferent_ 125 [:-indiffe | Irked_125 [:-irked] | Jester_125 [:-jester] |
Jump_125 [:-jump] | Jump2_125 [:-jump2] | Jump21 [jump21] |
King [:-king] | King_125 [:-king] | Kiss [:-kiss] |
Kisses [:X] | Kitty_125 [:-kitty] | Knockout_125 [:-knockou |
Lamp [:-lamp] | Lick [:-lick] | Love [:-love] |
Love_125 [:-love] | Magnify_125 [:-magnify | Marry [:-marry] |
Marsch [marsch] | Masked_125 [:-masked] | Mean_125 [:-mean] |
Mischievous_ 125 [:-mischie | Mohawk_125 [:-mohawk] | Moptop_125 [:-moptop] |
Mouse_125 [:-mouse] | Mummy_125 [:-mummy] | Nature18 [nature18] |
Nature3 [nature3] | Need Help [:-?help] | No [:-no] |
Nonono_125 [:-nonono] | Oggle [:-oggle] | Ouch_125 [:-ouch] |
OverHere! [here!] | Paperbag_125 [:-paperba | Party_125 [:-party] |
Party14 [party14] | Party15 [party15] | Party31 [party31] |
Pie [pie] | Pie2 [pie2] | Piggy_125 [:-piggy] |
Pimp [:-pimp] | Pirate_125 [:-pirate] | Propeller_125 [:-propell |
Psst_125 [:-psst] | Pumpkin_125 [:-pumpkin | Question [?] |
RedFace [:redface] | ROFL [:-rofl] | ROFL2 [rofl] |
RollEyes [rolleyes] | Sad [:(] | Scared_125 [:-scared] |
Shades_125 [:-shades] | Shake_125 [:-shake] | Shock [:O] |
Shrug [:-shrug] | Shuffle [:-shuff] | Shy [8)] |
Sick_125 [:-sick] | Sing_125 [:-sing] | Skull_125 [:-skull] |
Slaphappy_125 [:-slaphap | Sleep_125 [:-sleep] | Sleepy [|)] |
Slug_125 [:-slug] | Sly_125 [:-sly] | Smgreen_125 [:-smile_g |
Smile [:)] | Smile23 [:smile23] | SmileySleigh [sleigh] |
Smirk_125 [:-smirk] | Snooty_125 [:-snooty] | Snorkel_125 [:-snorkel |
soccer_125 [:-soccer] | Sonar_125 [:-sonar] | Sour_125 [:-sour] |
Spin_125 [:-spin] | Splat_125 [:-splat] | star_125 [:-star] |
Stars [stars] | tabedshut_125 [:-taped] | The Wave [:-zzzz] |
Thud [:-thud] | Thumbdn_125 [:-thumbd] | ThumbsUp [thumbs] |
Thumbup [:-thumb2] | Thumbup_125 [:-thumbu] | Tiger_125.gif [:-tiger] |
Timebomb_125 [:-timebm] | Tip Hat [tiphat] | Toast_125 [:-toast] |
Tongue [:P] | Tongue [:-tongue] | Tongue_125 [:-tong2] |
Tophat_125 [:-tophat] | Train [train] | Turtle_125 [:-turtle] |
UseHead [:usehead] | Vampire_125 [:-vamp] | Viking_125 [:-viking] |
Waving [:-wave] | Weeping_125 [:-weepn] | Williamtell_ 125 [:-wiltel] |
Wink [;)] | Wink2 [wink2] | Winki [winki] |
Witch_125 [:-witch] | WooHoo! [woohoo] | Xmas_125 [;-xmas] |
Xmas12 [xmas12] | Xmas35 [xmas35] | Xmas4 [xmas4] |
Yawn [:-yawn] | Yawn_125.gif [:-yawn] | Yuck_125.gif [:-yuck] |
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An AwaazBandh Presentation!