Sweet SMS!
Posted On Monday, October 6, 2008 at at 7:15 AM by PatA Drop of Water which
falls in Lake has no
But if it falls on a Lotus
Leaf, It shins like a Pearl.
So choose Best Place even
if U fall…
Gud morning
To touch & feel is desire..
To touch & not feel is
But to feel without
touching is ‘LOVE’
gudn8…Love u..
have you ever
Thanked your friends
for their Smiles.?
Their Hellos.?
Their Taps at your back.?
Their way of Calling
you name.?
All these are small
things but Easiest form
to Express Deep Love.!
Imagine your friends
Never doing that anymore
could you Bear it.?
‘Small things usually
go Unnoticed, but
in Reality, they’re
the ones that
Keep Us Going.’.
So this message goes
to All My Friends saying. .
for Everything.”…
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