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Mugdha refuses the offer to go topless!

The news is doing the rounds that Mugdha Godse was offered a role in a film to be produced by a French production house but Mugdha turned it down because the role needed her to strip off her top and go topless.

The film called Raas Leela is to be directed by Sharat Chandra. This film has French actress Emmanuelle Beart in the lead. However, Mugdha refused the offer to go topless. The Fashion Queen is all set to make her debut in Madhur Bhandarkar’s Fashion.

It is good to see that we have some people in the Industry who don’t drop off clothes for money sake only. To them their culture holds more importance and we can proudly say Mugdha is one of such kind.

We wish Mugdha best of luck for her debut movie

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