Koel Puri molests Purab Kohli!
Posted On Sunday, August 3, 2008 at at 6:59 AM by PatKoel Purie did something drastic in the heat of the moment on the sets of Rock On. She molested co-actor Purab Kohli by pinching his bottom
, that too when the script didn’t demand it! 
The scene required Purab to suddenly delve into a love song and dedicate to a blushing and embarrassed Koel. Purab started singing and Koel began cheering him. So involved and heady was the entire atmosphere with Purab singing away, that Koel got carried away and pinched Purab’s bottom.
Stunned by the gesture, the actor paused momentarily and then took it sportingly and continued singing
. But bechara Purab, he’s hoping that we all take this piece of info with a ‘pinch’ of salt. Wonder what Koel had to say about her sudden act!
The scene required Purab to suddenly delve into a love song and dedicate to a blushing and embarrassed Koel. Purab started singing and Koel began cheering him. So involved and heady was the entire atmosphere with Purab singing away, that Koel got carried away and pinched Purab’s bottom.
Stunned by the gesture, the actor paused momentarily and then took it sportingly and continued singing

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