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FlashOffline allows to play web games offline and save them FREE!

Do you love playing flash based web games online? Does your most of Online time is consumed in playing flash games, taking challanges, winning them and so no… then, this tool can prove economical and useful to you. FlashOffliner is a system tray program that lists and runs games offline (yes, without Internet connection)

It is an application for flash games that have been downloaded to the computer. By using built-in package installer, you can add new games to FlashOffliner with single-click and inbuilt example flash games that can be used to check the program’s functionality.

Advantages :

  1. No internet connection need so it saves money.
  2. Lets you play your favorite flash games without opening a web site and without fighting advertisements.
  3. Lets you create and share your own FlashOffliner Packages with Package Creator.
  4. It’s always within reach, in system tray
  5. oh yes, its a Freeware.

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