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Madonna and Guy Ritchie: Getting a Divorce!

While a lesser-known couple gets engaged (no offense, Uma Thurman and Arpad Busson), one of the world’s most famous pairs is reportedly calling it quits.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced after seven years of marriage.

“They were both very calm. Madonna told Guy: ‘I’m sorry, I want a divorce’. And he agreed. It was quite painless, but very sad,” said a source.

Might this turn into an ugly, Paul McCartney/Heather Mills-like situation?

After all, Madonna, Madonna is believed to be worth about $600 million - and there was no prenuptial agreement.

The singer has allegedly begun seeking advice from divorce attorney Fiona Shackleton, who represented McCartney in the aforementioned divorce.

Indeed, Madonna has gone from being like a virgin, to like a well-off recording artist that wants to keep the bulk of her estate.

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