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Confirmed Couple Alert: Cameron Diaz and Paul Sculfor!

New couple alert! Cameron Diaz walks arm in arm with model Paul Sculfor in this photo. The ex-boy toy of Jennifer Aniston looks to be doing rather well for himself in Hollywood.

Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz have each been labeled “America’s Sweetheart” on more than one occasion.

It’s starting to seem as though a more appropriate moniker would be “Paul Sculfor’s Sweetheart,” however.

Yesterday, Diaz was spotted on a romantic dinner date in West Hollywood with the British model and former Aniston flame. These two were first linked on June 1 when they dined at Il Ristorante di Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica.

“Cameron was laughing at everything he said — she didn’t stop smiling,” a witness told Us Weekly. “She was really flirty and had three or four of her buttons undone.”

Dating-wife, Diaz is best known for having been with Justin Timberlake for years. Based on a recent interview with In Style, she appears to be a well-grounded, totally awesome woman.

“I’m not going to bring some idiot into my world, and if I’m not sure about him, I’m cautious,” the What Happens In Vegas star said. “My list is all about balance. You can have smart, but not funny. You can have funny, but not very smart. You can have intellectual, but not social.

“I want it all! I love big brains. I love to eat. I love to be outdoors. I love to have conversations! I love to make love… I don’t do anything half-assed, and I want somebody who can keep up with all that.”

Paul Sculfor, you are indeed a lucky man.


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