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Which DTH to Buy In India?

It was the time when a consumer used to run behind the local cable operator for his needs in terms of adding new channels or getting their noisy channels rectified.

Later in mid 2000’s Government took initiative to improve the service as well as to tap the revenue which was sidelined by the local cable operators. Although it was introduced with many amendments and was not up to the mark that consumer was looking for and failed to gather much attention.

But this thought gave rise to corporatization of the Home entertainment. Many big corporate houses of India Like Zee network, Tata collaborated with Sky network, Southern India’s SUN group, Reliance ADAG and last but not least Airtel offered their very own DTHs. They came and changed the entire T. V. world.

As per what economics say whenever the producers of a commodity are more and the supply is more then the quality of product and price of that product will matter.

As a consumer I was also a happy one to see corporate giants of India entering this industry which will inturn increase the competiveness in the market and thought the days are not far where a consumer can say "I am the king".

As soon as they introduced their products into the market, consumer was once again confused what to buy and at what price. This time apart from box he has to make a decision regarding which package to buy, will I get the channels that I would like to watch? If yes then at what price?

So, I did my part of research and found out which company’s DTH stands out in terms of the quality as well as quantity of service provided

Product Pricing Packages Aggressiveness Service Brand Value
Airtel DTH 3/5 2/5 3.25/5 2.25/5 3.75/5
Big TV 3/5 2.5/5 2.75/5 3/5 3/5
Dish TV 2/5 3.5/5 1.5/5 1/5 1/5
Tata Sky 3/5 2/5 3.5/5 3/5 3/5
Tata Sky + 1/5 2/5 not rated 3/5 3/5
Sun Direct 4/5 3/5 2/5 2/5 1.75/5

To a consumer the first and the foremost thing to check is the pricing of the equipment. Consumer always wants the best deal at a fair price. After purchasing the equipment he/she would look for the channel packages and how they are suitable for themselves. Next comes to know the aggressiveness of the service provider in adding new features as well as channels. And the last thing the consumer would check is the brand.

The two new DTH service providers - Airtel and Reliance ADAG (BIG) are already under the scanner for bad customer service and people can be seen everywhere expressing their anger towards the respective products.

As per the video and sound quality, companies provide crisp quality for a typical 21 inch television but only few pass the test when consumers have huge television sets. But on the whole the quality is way better than the cable TVs.

The next confusion arises in choosing the packages and the pricing of these packages is still a puzzle.

On the whole, DTH service in India has come a long way but still has a long way to go.

All the above views and figures are derived from my present as well as past experiences and do not resemble the true market picture.

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