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Delhi-6 Movie Review!

Let me start with the postives:
The movie is really good in conveying the whole sense of the locality. The people there and the events and dialogues going around are so real that I could immediately relate to them. The director succeeds in portraying the class/caste divisions, the superstitions as well as the unity in the society.
The movie puts across a quite convincingly a message of religious unity and the petty-mindedness of the politicians. As one of my friend said we should have more movies of such message to keep reminding the people about the futility of religious clashes.
The dialogues are quite good and at times even touching.

Now for the negatives:
The ending of the film sucks!....BIG TIME!

The director fails to use the songs well in the movie.

He uses Sonam Kapoor very little in the movie.

The first half of the movie is all bits and pieces and almost unrelated scenes with no continuity. May be thats the what the director wanted but I didn't like it.

and, Abhishek Bachchan can't do sentimental scenes!

I can't think of anything about the movie now...its 2:15am here, time to sleep!

Overall I would give a 50-50 for the movie. Just ok (thats a tired ok!)

Awaazbandh Rating-**

One Line Review- Watch the TV,it's better these days in times of recession!

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